Thursday, May 13, 2010

Products I Use for Clear Skin!

Ok, so this is in reference to a question someone asked me on my formspring, & just wanted to share with you guys what I've done. Here's my little story.

Last summer, I started breaking out like crazy on my forehead, & I don't know why & like everyone I wanted clear skin (is it too difficult to ask for clear skin!! for guys & girls!!). Anyways, I wanted to get rid of it because personally as confident as I am, kind of lowered my confidence (who wants a pimple, let alone alot!). I've never really had acne as I grew up, but I guess puberty caught up with me, so I didn't use any facial products, maybe 1 or 2 but I never really stuck to them. As I read through MANY magazines for "clear skin," I realized the most important thing is to keep your skin clean! 80% of my time in the week, I'm down in the city, where bacteria & air pollution linger, so I definitely washed my face. Like any employed & full time college student, I'm always on the go so I need a simple regime with my complicated life. SO here's my skin regime. Whats your guys??

Depending if I took a shower the night before/in the morning, I wash my face with this:

I actually buy the Walgreens brand, because it's cheaper & the same thing, plus they look alike too. I use this about 2-3 (mostly 2) times a day (morning/night). I actually have combination skin (oily t-zone & rest normal) but this is AMAZING, especially if you have sensitive skin. The smell actually reminds me of baby wash, but it's very effective, & I have clear skin because of it.

If your traveling & don't want to carry a lot of beauty products, this is the one for you. I was looking for a mask, & ended up getting this, & it's amazing as well. The mask is super cooling and after it leaves your skin feeling amazing. If you have oily skin, this will seriously be your next bff. The wash is pretty good as well, but the mask is great. Mask I use about 3-4 times a wk.

Don't you hate moisturizers that don't moisturize & then leave your skin oily than ever?! It's a bit more pricey, but I have to say, not only does it work, but it smells pretty good as a perfume too (sorry guys, this is more of a girl thing). But ya, especially if you have that morning look ladies (I look scary in the morning with my circles haha) but this actually wakes up my face, without making my face an oil drilling site :)
Sunblock is a VERY important beauty product, beauty wise & health wise (especially in California). I love the smell of sunblock, but I don't want to smell like it every day!! But this is pretty good, & I'm choosy on face sunblock. Who knew a good moisturizer/sunblock could be bff's, minus the oilyness, BONUS!
Have you ever had a pimple you wanted to get rid of ASAP before that hot date??? This is AMAZING!! It's much more effective if you apply it before you go to bed, after you finished washing your face, because it allows it to set in. It helps to reduce/eliminate that stubborn pimple, before it comes & even after when it looks like a volcano is erupting on your face!!!

Also it's important to have a balanced diet: I know I know, I wish I could eat lasagna & cookies like every other night, but I'm not getting any younger either.... wouldn't want cellulite!! Eeek! One of the things I actually drink in the summer a lot is guess what???
Water!! But with cucumbers!!! Cucumber's actually help make your skin glowy, fresh, & clear!! No wonder why when you go to the spa they have cucumbers on your eyes!! If your not a fan of cucumbers, you can actually use fruit too, oranges, citrus like fruit, & lemons actually help you lose weight (curb your appetite, especially if you want to look good in that yellow polka dot bikini!)

Typing term papers kicked your ass & gave you dark circles that aged you 10+ years maybe?
After you've pulled a Brit (not Spears) & made yourself a cup of tea, chill them, after they've been cooled, set them under your eyes (use caffeinated tea, not decaf!). They'll totally de-puff your eyes! Kiss my butt term papers :)