Saturday, March 7, 2009

Yes thank you weekend!

FINALLY! The weekend, well technically Thursday was my Friday so my Friday was my Saturday. ha anyways, I'm quite relieved from stress somewhat.

Although I still have two papers to write for my Poly Sci class & Humanities.
The humanities paper is supposed to be "fun" ha whatev.

I'm super excited for this month, guess why??

Return of Gossip Girl & The Hills, woo!

OMG that last moment in gossip girl where Dan kisses the teacher[whore! ha]
left me curious to the next episodes, of course the drama will keep pouring
in on the Hills star Lauren Conrad.

Exciting month!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay, so I always try & find new artists I haven't heard.
Currently I'm hooked on this one artist- Lady Tigra.

If you like that electric slash beat stuff, then you'll totally love her.
It has the tune that sounds very cosmopolitan & urban.

Other artists I've been all over, if you've never heard their music
I totally recommend it!

Against Me!
Sons of People We Know
Vogue in the Movement
Lady Gaga [ who hasn't?! ]
Kings of Leon [ ROCKS! ]

Unfortunately I've heard from a friend of mine that the band
Lower Definition aka Lower D is no longer together; RIP LD<3

I LOVE music & I'm always open to hear new bands.

BTW, I had a splendid day today<33

Monday, March 2, 2009

Events yet to Come

Okay so I don't know all of them at the top of my head, ha so I shall go to my trustee Blackberry for assistance.

26// Ellen Show Deux
29// AP Tour: 3OH!3, FF5 & The Maine @ HOB

6-10// Spring Break

21// End of Spring Semester !!

30??-??// Halloween in San Francisco !!

a spoonful of goodness during my rough time.

Ask every Filipino, what is Ube?
Of course most of all will know- if not I shall explain.

Straight forward its the Filipino version of the yam;
if you still don't get it shame on you, your too slow!
Just kidding, its basically a purple yam.

SO! Getting to my point, I have Ube ice cream in my freezer.
BTW did i mention it's a spoonful of goodness?? haha.
I seriously have an addiction to sweets, filipino sweets to be exact, & frosting.

But I think I finally know why I have this addiction:
1. It's pretty damn good.
2. My mother just moved to Texas, Wednesday 
[or was is Thurs?] morning to be exact.

She's been talking about it & I haven't really had a sense of emotion.
Just except for my brief tearing outburst Thursday morning; then I turned on Regis & Kelly, which by the way was co-hosted by Anderson cutie Cooper, haha, yes make fun.
He sparkled my sunshine day, until I had an orthodontist appointment just after & work, I mellowed out.

I felt numb, unknown. I've experienced so much pain in my life, some of you would be in shock if you all knew. You know how they say, once you're exposed the next time you'll be ready; something in that nature. Well I felt like I used up all my tear cards. Are you only allowed a certain amount of emotion per person? 

Today is a different day than last weeks; I dozed off to la la land, & thought I was "alright" but now as I look at it, I wasn't. 

I've avoid blogging, writing, running, & began to hibernate in my so called "cave room" ha. & yes I believe I'm still in that dark phase, but I'm in the process of getting myself some bright colored shirts. I'll keep you posted.