Sunday, September 6, 2009

Time & Age

"We turn not older with years, but newer every day." -Emily Dickinson

With age, comes wisdom, most might say, yet we ache the feeling that each one of us "homo sapiens" is gradually getting older by the minute. I find myself to be a realist at times, yet I do find a sense of optimism frequently; it's the fact that we have such little time, & those who live as dreamers with enormous ambitions, tend to feel the time we have here in Earth is rather too short to live all of our dreams.

The Golden Era posed a picture perfect society, a happy home, with a wife, husband and kids, more like the "Leave it to Beaver" a 50s idealistic sitcom, where the mom was the household boss while the dad worked hard at his job to provide for his family. This "idealistic" world has surely faded, & in time both share equal power or switch roles. Much of this has to do with the growing empowerment in our society, & indefinitely I think our generation has the power to refine our country, our world.

Personally, on my note, I've sensed change, philosophically, mentally, and with change brings new friendships, and that certain "guy department." If time can really change us, why hasn't the world caught up on it? Does the majority of the population still lingering in the past, or has it really not gotten any wiser? We had the power to change and make history in our presidency, but now have we failed to agree with the change that should be taking place? Does that make us as the population as hypocrites? Or are we afraid of the change that is yet to come?

They said change was a good thing, but can it be accepted?

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