Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kristin Lynn is back! "Life. Boys.Summer"

Above: (Right to Left) My bff Gracie, Jerlin, Cathy, Yasmin & I @ Mission Beach. Just a normal day at the beach, because that's how us Californians roll.

With my temporary leave (of about a month), as always I'm soooo sorry for neglecting my poor readers, because you guys have nothing else to do but read my rants, right? ;) Anyways, since I've been gone nothing much has changed my life, no epic love stories, no winning the lottery, just the same old Kris you know & love. Since we are embarking summer (technically it's still Spring) I just thought I share a few of my current thoughts on life, maybe a lil dating advice for the boys, and summer.


Could it feel any more complex as is?? I have to say, my Spring semester was all but simple. As academically challenged I may have been, everything else felt back to normal, & when I say normal, it was a bit of a rut. My life felt controlled by school, the papers never ended & they only got longer!! Writing wasn't very exciting, but hey I rather be bombarded with term papers than deal with drama, right?? The point is, no matter where you are in life right now, every moment doesn't have to be as "exciting." Ya sure I've had my fun moments through the semester, but to get far in life you must pay your dues, & if that means pulling all nighters and writing about stuff you're not passionate about, so be it. I've actually thought to myself, "Wow two more years then I'm done... no more papers... no more cramming. Just work for the rest of my life after college." So enjoy your educational years while you can, when will you ever be able to BS a term paper after college?? More in less words: All the work you're going through right now will pay off, always try your best even if you're failing at what you're doing. I know words of encouragement has always helped me.... even if I knew I wasn't doing my best.


I feel like this category will be on hold for me after I graduate college... seriously! It really does take a lot of effort & energy to build a relationship (I applaud to those who have been a very serious one, so KUDOS!) It's not the energy I don't want to waste, but rather the person I am. It's taken 20 years (eek!) to really understand me, & I'm pretty content with the person I am. Of course I'm learning new stuff about myself everyday, & how big of a dork I am, but if it's one thing I'm pretty sure about is guys. As much as a "rebel" I set myself out there to be, I'm pretty much the most cheesiest traditional type of girl friend you will get. Here's what I've learned what I DO/DON'T want in my ideal guy.

1.) RESPECT: of course!! this also means respecting my privacy... no weird 24/7 bf's that call me constantly.
2.) OFF: The Leech- eww I absolutely cannot stand guys like this. You would think a girl would be clingy, but trust me, I've had my fair share... the constant txts/calls/im not myself without you bleeeh... please!
3.) OFF: Don't ever call me crazy (i think this goes for all girls) or blame our emotions on our period.

girl: "why can't you just tell me the truth!"
guy: "are you PMSing right now???"

uggh , it only gives us a reason to either beat the shit out of you/yell back at you. Never ever say that.
4.) ON: Honesty is key, trust me.
5.) ON: Being a gentleman is not old fashioned... it just separates you from all the other assholes in the world.
6.) OFF: The "ex" factor- of course you may miss your ex gf... even if she dumped you, but never ever mention an ex if your newly dating someone, it's just annoying & rude.
7.) OFF: Don't talk to your ex gf's bff on how you want to get back your ex. That's probably the stupidest move you will ever make in your life, & then call her crazy for even thinking about "reconnecting back together" to your ex (as referred to #6). Be a man & say you thought of going back together... but realized it won't happen, that will make it a lot better.... Us girls think about everything & talking to your ex bff just makes it seem like a plot to manipulate your ex.
8.) OFF: Smokers.... or anything with smoke. I have nothing against people who smoke whatever it is they smoke, but I've realized I really really hate smoke (I think I'm sensitive to it). Plus I've heard of Hookah (sp?) idk what it is, but I don't like that either.... I just don't understand it.
9.) ON: Guys who take their gf to a sports event. I love sports, especially football, any guy who takes me to a game will be much loved.
10.) ON: Nerds- yes, a guy with a brain will go far.... enough said.


 Hmm Summer will be filled with academics, beachs, & endless smoothies. Perfect. Despite my very academic summer, I'm actually very excited how it's my LAST SUMMER at San Diego City College!!! Yaaaay!! I don't know what next summer will bring me, but I do know I'll be roaming the streets some place new. I either will be venturing the Big Apple at New York University or my second choice at San Francisco State University. A change of scenery is dearly needed... however I'll miss the sandy beaches of San Diego. Summer is supposed to be relaxing & so far it's done just that. My summer's only beginning soooo keep posted with all my summer adventures :)

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