Monday, June 28, 2010

Rolling with the Enemy

So, it's Week 2 of Summer at City College (may I also add, my LAST Summer Session at City College, thank you thank you :) ) & so far it's seemingly well. You're probably wondering "wth is Kris writing about this time??" I'm not sure what this is this time, no theme for this blog, but rather a variety of topics & the gloomy day in San Diego inspired me to stay home, drink tea, read intellectual books, & write. But the similarities amongst all my topics: change.

"You are known by the company you keep."
We've all heard this or other versions of this quote, but I've never fully applied this to ME. I've always thought I didn't need to apply this because after all, the people I surround myself are good people, until situations begin to arise & there starts the problems. We have a tendency to choose our inner circle by the characteristics we have ourselves, we don't notice it but we do.

I have different categories for people (you prob do too), they're: the best friends (bff's, besties, whatever you call your close friend), the semi friend (closer than normal people yet not as close), the friend (the person that you hang out with, but prob won't bail you out of jail, or hold your hair if you have a really bad hangover... like your bff), the acquaintance (you just know them... maybe know their name too), then the frenemy (in person you tell them "omg you're soooo sweet!!!" behind their back "eww she's such a fugly bitch.")

I can go on & on about friends but here's my philosophy on friends. To those who know me personally know I don't take crap from anyone, but as much people tick me off, I don't lower my standards to those who bad mouth about people UNLESS it's in defense on my part (a girl has to share her feelings out). Frenemies as bad as they may be, I always put my manners first, & if they call you fake for being nice to them but in reality they know they hate your guts... you're not being fake you just have much better manners than they do. It's the people close you actually have to worry about. Trust is everything in any relationship, without it is a failure at the beginning. But before you start cutting off all your bitchy frenemies, evaluate yourself first, like I said "you are who the company you keep," doesn't mean you're as bitchy or gossipy as your friend, but sometimes it's something we get easily influenced by & don't want to accept the person we've become with that person. But remember just because you may have a rude friend doesn't make you rude too because at some point you too saw some sort of good in that person that made you want to be friends with that person, it's the matter if you want that type of person in your life & if the conflicts with the person you may have are worth your time.

Personally for me, the very close friends I have in my life never really had bad situations. Take for example my long time bestie: Grace (& if you don't know her, shame on you! ha). I think we only fought once & we avoided each other for like a day I think??? But it didn't last, because I couldn't be mad at her anymore, & I missed her so much!!! I don't think we'll fight ever again (well maybe argue who's better: Nate or Dan) but besides that, everyone says the conflicts are true tests on your friendships, but it doesn't mean you have to suck it up all the time. If your friend is being shitty, then you confront that person & if it persists, maybe it's time to cut the rope & end it. Losing a friend in my view is like a death: it's sad at first but once it soaks in & reality becomes realistic you just let go & move foward.

On a more positive note: I don't know how many times I've said this but bare with me. Last summer at City!!!!! I'm so stoked to actually be finished there, & I know only bigger & better opportunities are yet to come. This Fall will be my last Fall there as well, because next Jan-Mayish I will (hopefully) be spending my Spring semester at New York University!! But don't be too disheartened that I'll be on the other side of the country, I'll be in a special program with NYU just for the Spring then will most likely finish off the rest of schooling at San Francisco State University!! I love you San Diego & all the wonderful San Diegans, but it's time for a change of scenery :) Just wanted to share my excitement & the news haha.

A note on life: Carpe Diem! Seize the day, don't be mopy... moopy??(sp?) whatever at home!!! Go out & do something, free or not free!!!

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