Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cheers: to good friendship & Happy Birthday Grace!

                                              Happy Birthday Dear Gracelin!

In ode to my best friend in the whole world's birthday, this post will be a tribute to all of our/your best friend(s) of the world, the people you can't live without, &  the friends you love dearest.

"Life is like an epic story, except we have the ability to keep characters in it, or erase the character completely. You have your villians/enemies, your protagonist (which will prob be yourself, who wants to be the antagonist, right?), & of course the buddy you always cling to. We've yet to find out what type of story we're writing for ourselves: the love story, the comedy, the adventure story, or our tragedy."

I've been through sooo many people throughout the years, & met some amazing people throughout my story, but in realization we all have that certain person(s) we hold onto, our common denominator.

For me, it's hard losing a friend, because overall as an optimist I'd like to see the good in everyone & wish you can trust everybody, but you can't.  The reason why we have close friends  is because we want someone to share our epic moments, cheesy but true. I'd rather live forever with just one good friend, than a group of people who lie & back stab me, & you probably feel the same.

In my recent piece, "Rolling with the Enemy" is somewhat the jist of what I feel about true friendship, so I won't go into detail about friends. Mainly, I wanted to write this in dedication to my best friend, who's turned 20 this Saturday, July 3rd 2010. May all the wishes you wish come true :) 

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