Thursday, July 15, 2010

I saw your video's on youtube and read your blog, good ones! Any tips on eating healthy?

Thanks for watching/reading! Here's what I live by:

Diets are bust.
I wouldn't recommend "dieting" especially if your trying to lose weight/tone up because people tend to loose a lot of nutriets/good vitamins by cutting out food; it's unrealistic. Then when people get off their diet, there's a tendency for the weight coming back.

Restructure your intake.
Eliminating foods out of your "whole life" isn't the answer. The more you cut out food's, you risk a greater binge than normal, it's ok to have a slice of pizza or a chocolate bar!It's all about food portion, even if you're at a fast food place, it's a matter of getting whats the healthiest & how much you eat.

No sweat, no gain.
As much as you work out, if you're not sweating, you're probably aren't working out. I exercise about 2-3 times a week, depending on my schedule. Once a week, I do an intense workout, by running a few miles. Then maybe twice I do weights/squats etc. by building up my upper body strength.

Hope this helps! Maybe I'll do a blog post about this :)

Ask away!

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