Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Beginnings: The Bitch is back in 2011

Well hello 2011! I have to say, the new year sneaked up on me really fast & 2010 was a drama filled year. I'm sure all of you have made new year resolutions, but I don't necessarily have resolutions rather "improvements" that I make in my life. Call 'em what you want but here's mine.

1. Lessen the stressin'
Oh boy, this will be a challenge for me. Being a full time student, high school tutor, & professional napper can be tough work... on my brain! But must I also add that now I'm officially adding prospective medical student?

2. Kristin Lynn M.D.
It has a nice tone to it, don't cha think? Haha. So this year, I'll be working my lil booty off & making sure I get nothing less than a B from now on, which probably means I actually have to read the book material now :/ All those science classes & looking at MCAT examples will probably put a tire on my brain.

3. The "B" Word
The word bitch always comes with that negative connotation. Honestly, I don't see it as a bad word at all, but I think we often go over boundaries of being a "bitch." The bitch is the drama starter, the crazy person, the outlandish one. Now I'm not saying I don't want to be a drama starter, but the way that I see it, is that bitches don't take crap from anyone (if you know me, I already live by this), she's the confident one, & isn't afraid to speak up but I feel like last year people took advantage of my nice side, or just walked all over me. Well, the bitch is back & I'm not taking any prisoners this year.

4. Love... is lame, period.
Come on, seriously. Although, I do have to applaud those in relationships. Just personally, in my situation, the world feels like a world full of assholes. The ones that seem nice either back stab you, hurt you or break your heart or the good ones (& I've probably only met 1 good bf in my life) is off pursuing their own career, which is what I'm doing. So, I'm going to be selfish for the next couple of years & say hey, I might love you, but I love myself first, we have the rest of our lives to worry about a significant other.

4. Zen'ness'
I promised myself I'd do some form of real exercise once a week. I used to run 2-3 miles every Saturday, but I just got lazy along the year. Bubble baths are a must every once a week :)

Hope you guys had a fab new years! See you all when I get back!

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