Tuesday, July 27, 2010

SarahScoop.com & Josh Damigo

Cool San Diego Music Artist:
Josh Damigo
Not "Domigo, Dominguez, D'amigo, Damnego- it's Damigo."

Alright my hippy loving, music, pop culture junkies, Kristin Lynn is here to present one cool artist, & guess what he's a LOCAL! Yes yes, right here in your backyard. I was introduced to Josh's music a while back, & now I continue to listen what Josh sings about- Frienemies (which is one of my fav's, you can catch it on his youtube channel) & his new hit song Love Again as well as this year's San Diego's Music Award nominee for Best Acoustic.You should totally check out his stuff.... so go to the site, like right now.

Since it's about oh 12:30ish in the morning, I'll be doing a better more cool writing piece on Damigo on the new site I'm writing for at http://www.sarahscoop.com/ which will eventually be posted maybe this week. It'll look more official :)

Speaking of SarahScoop, yes I'm part of someone else's blog, BUT it's not the end of the world, I'm just expanding, that's all. You can reach me or email me to that blogspot at:
It has about everything from an advice column to fashion.... but I'm bringing something a bit different to the site, so keep posted.... you'll want to see this.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

I saw your video's on youtube and read your blog, good ones! Any tips on eating healthy?

Thanks for watching/reading! Here's what I live by:

Diets are bust.
I wouldn't recommend "dieting" especially if your trying to lose weight/tone up because people tend to loose a lot of nutriets/good vitamins by cutting out food; it's unrealistic. Then when people get off their diet, there's a tendency for the weight coming back.

Restructure your intake.
Eliminating foods out of your "whole life" isn't the answer. The more you cut out food's, you risk a greater binge than normal, it's ok to have a slice of pizza or a chocolate bar!It's all about food portion, even if you're at a fast food place, it's a matter of getting whats the healthiest & how much you eat.

No sweat, no gain.
As much as you work out, if you're not sweating, you're probably aren't working out. I exercise about 2-3 times a week, depending on my schedule. Once a week, I do an intense workout, by running a few miles. Then maybe twice I do weights/squats etc. by building up my upper body strength.

Hope this helps! Maybe I'll do a blog post about this :)

Ask away!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NEW* "Daily Dish": Lindsay & the Hillzies

Ok, so the title may sound cheesy, I'm a terrible name creator, but it's pretty self explanatory, right? If not, oyye, I shall explain.

Instead of the very looooong posts (which I know all of you love!) The Daily Dish will be in some sort, a basic sum up of what I say/do/think/ramble/bitch about.... yes... I said bitch.

I'm pretty excited about this, because one: this will eliminate me feeling bad for not writing anything for a long time!! (if you didn't know, my blogs go through this process of thinking & drafts... well maybe not drafts, but you get the picture.) But this may be in fact good for you, since you don't have to read my long posts, right? It's a win win situation. The Daily Dish will ohh be Monday-Friday on simple things/topics/issues.... off the weekends yaay! So let the Dishing begin! (Did that sound dirty??? Just asking. Sounded like douching to me....)


SO, if you didn't know by now, I am in fact the biggest news geek/junkie to ever stumble upon, but over the years I've mellowed out to only watching CNN 3-4 times a week, than 7 days a week. However, this doesn't mean I'm getting weak in the news world, I just been on my mental vacation away from news.

When I'm not reading about serious topics about the economy/global warming I like to immerse myself into Celebrity World or just admire people.

Lohan Court Video

So if you haven't heard, the Mean Girl starlet Lindsay Lohan (btw best movie ever) was sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating her 2007 probation. Ok, in realistic terms I feel bad for her, considering from the public view her parents basically screwed her & used her for money & fame, personally I think it's the parents who should be sharing this 90 days in jail with Lindsay, but the verdict was correct. If this was anyone else not a "celeb", would have recieved just the same. I don't know her mental status but under the law she's a responsible adult. Maybe time in the hammer will get the old Lindsay back, who we once all loved back then.

After 6 years, the "reality show" I've known & grew to love ends next week. What will I ever do without them!!!? With Lauren already gone, Audrina finally getting a clue about Justin Bobby, Stephanie finally getting an intro on the show!!, Lo kinda being on the show, Kristin hooking up with Brody, then Brody calling Kristin "like a sister.... but just banged" eww, Heidi looking like a porn star, & Spencer being.... well Spencer, it's time the Hillzies graduated. This is bittersweet & also pathetic on how much time I've wasted watching this show for 6 years, damn.

I swear I had more to talk about, ohhh ya I was going to make a short list of the "most amazing" broadcast journalists I just love, like Bill O'Reilly & Glen Beck, & the Fox Network (is it really a news channel, if there isn't real news on it?) but I got a bit chipper than what I was 3-4 hours ago. Hope you enjoyed the Daily Dish!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cheers: to good friendship & Happy Birthday Grace!

                                              Happy Birthday Dear Gracelin!

In ode to my best friend in the whole world's birthday, this post will be a tribute to all of our/your best friend(s) of the world, the people you can't live without, &  the friends you love dearest.

"Life is like an epic story, except we have the ability to keep characters in it, or erase the character completely. You have your villians/enemies, your protagonist (which will prob be yourself, who wants to be the antagonist, right?), & of course the buddy you always cling to. We've yet to find out what type of story we're writing for ourselves: the love story, the comedy, the adventure story, or our tragedy."

I've been through sooo many people throughout the years, & met some amazing people throughout my story, but in realization we all have that certain person(s) we hold onto, our common denominator.

For me, it's hard losing a friend, because overall as an optimist I'd like to see the good in everyone & wish you can trust everybody, but you can't.  The reason why we have close friends  is because we want someone to share our epic moments, cheesy but true. I'd rather live forever with just one good friend, than a group of people who lie & back stab me, & you probably feel the same.

In my recent piece, "Rolling with the Enemy" is somewhat the jist of what I feel about true friendship, so I won't go into detail about friends. Mainly, I wanted to write this in dedication to my best friend, who's turned 20 this Saturday, July 3rd 2010. May all the wishes you wish come true :)