Friday, October 1, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make Green Tea Lemonade! Haha, I just thought the whole "make lemonade" bit was a little cheesy, nevertheless it's a great beginning to what I shall share with you. FYI: It's about to get very personal... very personal ;)

After my "bad luck of events" from mid August till most of September, I started to believe nothing good seemed to happen, & believe me it felt like NOTHING good would happen. First, I found out my grandmother was in the hospital, & later on we had found out she had more than just a stomach ache, she had cancer. Luckily the tumor was removed & she didn't have to go through the whole radiation process. Previously, I had this similar incident but with my mother & the incident that had followed with it had made me internally grateful for the amazing people in my life, including my mom. I won't go into detail, but one night my mother had collapsed, & then found myself in the ER at 3ish 4ish o'clock in the morning- she had lost about half her blood count & if she didn't come into the ER that early morning, she might have had a stroke, or worse died. After many hours at the hospital, we found out she had a tumor & it must be removed & until it's removed they can't determine if it's cancer or not (& it wasn't).

A week & a half later, I had a call- "Your cousin is in the hospital." I began to feel like I became a regular at the hospital- eating at the cafeteria, sitting, waiting, staring through the glass window in the waiting room, pretending like everything was just fine. Individually with each incident, a person can handle it, but I began to question myself, event after the next event, "Am I supposed to cry or be calm & composed?" I felt numb, immune from life's worthiness, until one day I cracked. It was just an ordinary day, until someone ticked me off- the woman behind the counter. It takes a process to get mature, so you would think after 3 hospital occurrences, one being life threatening (& all the other shit in my life that has happened, which may have to turn into a book one day) that I would know how to be mature in certain situations, but apparently by this "woman," she thought I needed to "grow up" & oh boy if you know me, know I would probably chew the living life out of her. Instead, that day I decided to walk away from this "adult lecture" on "How to be an Adult," until that same day I felt like the lowest low I've ever felt. I won't name any names, but the words "disappointment" or the fact I put on myself to "feel bad" about myself just made me break down (I swear this long story has a point!). I then stumbled onto great advice.... from a stranger!!!! Well she's no stranger to Youtube, but her word's of encouragement was just what I needed.

Here's the analogy she used (Thank you Kandee Johnson!)
Diamond's are created under tight pressure, & sometimes the ones under the most intense pressure turn out to be the most amazing people in life.
If you're ever having a bad day or feel horrible, try to find the good within that day, even if it's for the smallest of things, like the ability to wake up in the morning in good health. Spread positive energy where ever you go...

& I've done just that. I seem to have lost this part of optimism in myself recently, & the ability that maybe I wasn't as strong as I thought I was, but sometimes when bad things happen to us, it's a test; what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. We're in this world of "reality" or being realistic (believe me, I'm half part realistic half part optimistic which is odd, which is slowly changing to be more as an optimist), but we should focus on the greatest amount of good in life: the roof that you have over your head, the ability to eat a meal everyday, the clothes on your back, the clean air we breathe, & the fact that the world hasn't been blown up just yet! Remember, the time that we may be in might not be the best, but the important thing to focus on is how can we make the most of the situation, how can we spread as much happiness to the world. A smile goes a long way, even a laugh. I know, I just spilled my guts all over this post, but I just wanted to share my experiences with you guys, my readers, that no matter how much of a bad day you're having, try to turn it into a good one & just make the most of it (even if you want to beat the crap out of someone.... like I wanted to do with that lady!) Hope this was somewhat "inspiring" if not...... fuck off, just kidding!!! I thought maybe that would make you laugh....

Kristin Lynn

P.S: It doesn't take a situation like mine to fully realize "life." Yes, it maybe true that the older we get the more negative we may get or shall I say "realistic," but realize this short time in life that we have. Should you immerse yourself in this "reality" theory of our limitations or what we might not be able to do? Or maybe we're just scared of the change we can bring. Think about it.


  1. aww, I'm so proud of you Kristin! Thanks for sharing your heart with everyone. :)

    I can relate to everythin you're saying. I know it's not the same thing, but when I went through my breakup with you-know-who, that kinda broke me for awhile and I had to figure out on my own how to be happy again. And now I'm stronger because of it. I think everyone goes through different kinds of hard times in their life and it's important for everyone to learn how to pick themselves up after wards. So I'm happy that you're learning to be resilient and optimistic.

    Also, I hope your family stays healthy, I really do. I can't stand when bad things happen to my friends!!! Or their families!!

    okie, love ya,

    P.S. I need that cake container back. lol :P

  2. Loved this post because, as you know, life has been pretty shitty lately for me too. But laughter and music are the best cures. At least for me.
