Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Special: What I'm grateful for

WOW! I can't believe it's already Christmas time! We have a fresh tree up, lights & decorations with all our presents under... makes me feel like a lil kid all over again! As we wrap up the year, it's that time of year where we openly say what we're grateful for (but I'm always grateful for what I have, sometimes we just need a lil reminder). I don't know about you, but I get so wrapped up in my schedule that sometimes the holidays are a good time of the year to really appreciate the important things in life: family.

I grew up as in only child, but within my whole life I was always surrounded by a loving & caring family. Family is definitely key & the foundation in my life. I'll try & make this a short post because one, I need to start packing for my trip to San Francisco & you probably want to get to your family too.... instead of my yapping. So here's my list of what I'm grateful for (you too can make a mental note of what you are grateful for too)

1. My family: crazy, yes. lovable, yes.
2. The 2 bestest friends Grace & Bianca: With my 15 year bff friendship with B & 9 with Grace, I'm soooo thankful to have amazing friends like these two. We've been through sooo much along the years, changed our circle of friends, but I always go back to these 2. Thank you for listening to me for all these years & giving me the advice & support I've needed!!
3. My twins: Candy & Cathy Ma, you 2 are a handful sometimes lol, but I know you guys always have my back & I can honestly say I trust you with anything I tell you guys!!
4. Friends (some old, some new, & some old but also hanging out more with): Amy, your such a fun person to be around! "We're the Chix!" Jen, Victoria, I hope we do get to hang out a lot more in 2011! Jerlin, my bestie's sis, it was so nice getting to know you more than just Grace's sis lol. Good luck at NYU!& to all my other fab friends, love you too! Including my readers!
5. Last but not least, Mister Taylor: my bf turned ex bf but now one of the bestest manly friend I have. I love you so much & thank you for listening to me lately :)

Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Christmas!!!

& if I don't get to do a post after this.... Happy New Years loves!! Happy safe travels!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2010: Lies, Loyalty & Love

2010, you've been an emotional roller coaster this year I must say. Thinking back to the person I was at the beginning of this year made me realize how humanity can hurt & love you in so many ways. Usually I don't say this, but this will be the exception. If you know me well enough, I'm not very "lovey dovey" & I must admit it, I pretty much have a tough exterior, but the pain, lies & disloyalty that was brought to me this year definitely came as a shocker to me. The tough Kristin Lynn you know & love isn't as tough as you may think.

Now that I look back at this year, it's been a "hate/love" relationship with 2010 & I. While the majority of my time was spent writing papers & studying for exams, the other part of my time I spent crying. I never saw crying as a bad thing, or a sign of weakness, but I think I cried so much this year because the issues I was facing were very close to me. With my numerous trips to the hospital, waiting in the visitors area, eating cafeteria food for days, it made me even more grateful for the family I have, dysfunctional or not. So, if you feel like you need to cry, let it out!

No one wants to feel like they've disappointed anyone, but this year, I felt like I've disappointed myself. For an independent kind of gal, I felt so alone & to some point I felt like I lost myself in a way. For me, relationships were just a big fat "NO NO," & not because the feeling wasn't mutual but I think I just wasn't ready. From past experiences, it's hard to move on from a past relationship, when the person(s) is still in your life (old baggage comes back, the feelings come back) & when issues go unresolved, I found myself in sticky situations I never wanted to be in. Have I ever thought about rekindling an old flame? Sure, I would be lying to myself if I didn't say so, but with the year at a close, & with events that have occurred, it's only proven my position even more right. This isn't an exact quote, but more of a put together kinda thing. "Never cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you. Guys come & go, but it's the people who we are friends with that actually matter, & who are always there when we crash & burn." My advice on friendships: "It's about trust & loyalty. If either is broken, what do you have? But the real choice comes from the individual, do you want that kind of person around you? Is it worth saving? If so, sometimes it's better to put your pride away & to just forgive, but never forget."

As for love, well it's not the love you're thinking about. My bestie Grace & I have had many discussions about the boys in our life & decided we need men (which probably won't happen until we graduate from college) but, I do love both of my besties (Gracie & B), these two chickas never let me down. Even if a new interest came to mind, I definitely WON'T be sharing it on here!!! I know, I know, I write about everything.... but in the case of relationships, I find that they work a lot better when the world isn't involved, so sorry you won't be seeing my relationship status change on Facebook (it doesn't show if you were wondering :P) Family, I do love. Music, I do love. Food, don't get me started. So that's it. FINI.

P.S: 2011 is lookin pretty optimistic & this year has been a MAJOR life lesson. Sometimes, the worst events in our lives are the best things to happen to us, because we become even more wise than what we were before.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When You're Feeling Down: Kickbox, my Nutella hot coca recipe & more!

I don't know about you guys, but when I don't feel so good (which has been lately), or something happened that totally takes you off balance I do several things to recuperate.

Running or Exercise
Now whether it's jogging (personally I run like a cheetah because usually I'm angry or furious with someone, I need to take out a lot of my aggression & you don't want to be kickboxing with me when I do this!) I don't know what it is, but this weight just lifts off of my chest.

All Things Sweet
Now people usually consume a lot of food, especially when they're feeling down (I'm opposite, I don't eat) but depending on the time of the year or the situation I'm in, something sweet always turns my frown upside down. Here's one of my fav recipes (& it's good for the Christmas season too!)

Nutella Hot Chocolate
You'll need...
1 cup of milk/soy/low fat milk (your choice)
2 tablespoons of Nutella
Cinnamon (varied by you're own taste)

Pour 1/3 of the milk into a sauce pan, followed by 2 tablespoons of Nutella.
Turn the stove on medium heat & whisk the Nutella so it dissolves.
Once dissolved, slowly start to pour in the rest of the milk.
It should have this frothy look on top. Add cinnamon & mix.
You're done! Add marshmallows, sprinkle a bit of cinnamon!

Sometimes I wish my life was like a movie where a song would just pop onto any mood. Until we figure how to do that, our iPods would have to suffice. To share, here's a list of songs I've been listening to get through a rough patch in my life right now.

Apologize- OneRepublic
Strip Me- Natasha Bedingfield
My Own Hands To Hold- Sara Haze
Show Me What I'm Looking For- Carolina Liar
Boston- Augustana
Here Comes the Sun- The Beatles

& of course friends who will always be there for you, bubble baths (which I've came to love with my candles!) always helps the soul to heal.

Remember the best part of having our lowest moments in life is to make us wiser, even if someone close to you lets you down (believe me I've had my share) keep you're chin up, because people who bring you down aren't worth your time. Never cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you.